I will understand if you boot me but. I've been 8 months learning linux on my own I'm still very green. I decided on BT5.3 for now it seems to be easier for me to reasearch issues there is more available to read. (which sometimes isn't good either lol) I cracked my lab using brute force on the WPS and then did my neighbor with permission cracked them in about 4-5 hours. I wanted to start using a dictionary attack so I downloaded crackstation its a 14 g dictionary lst and have it on a external HDD mounted I'm using VMware Workstation 10. with the vmtools installed ) I finally got the cap file right by adding the bssid and astrick into the mix. sorry stay on point so that on that note. This is where I'm at now Ive tried so many things got tried this time and thought I ask my 1st question. Got the 4way handshake and ....... aircrack-ng -b 88:1F:A1:32:EC:96 crowfootpsk*.cap -w /media/Dictionary.lst fopen(dictionary) failed: No such file or directory fopen(dictionary) failed: No such file or directory Opening crowfootpsk-01.cap Please specify a dictionary (option -w). ~# aircrack-ng -b 88:1F:A1:32:EC:96 crowfootpsk*.cap -w media/TOSHIBA-EXT/Dictionary.lst fopen(dictionary) failed: No such file or directory fopen(dictionary) failed: No such file or directory Opening crowfootpsk-01.cap Please specify a dictionary (option - Thanks alot Shirley I'm not in the right forum,,,guess I'm blurry eyed
Is the dict in a folder? Does your media read as TOSHIBA-EXT? I've run media with vmware, it reads as SAMSUNG, NoTouch, ACER without the "EXT".
The path to the hard drive at least the one I saw on the properities page has /media/TOSHIBA EXT/ dctionary.lst I had the dictionary in a foleder but took it out. Thought that might be the issue not. I have tried all combos just wanted to move on.I'm missing something and dang I don't see it Thanks
It says 2gb file limit Max size on wordlist files? I could be wrong. You can verified this by running a smaller dict lst. "Crunch" is awesome for creating your own dict lst.
SO I got it I dam well got and its running, my computer is trying to catch up. I would imagine I can tell it to slow down. Thats a day and a night of reasearch. aircrack-ng -w Dictionary.lst -b 00:00:00:00:00:00 footcrowpsk*.cap ( I moved the list lol) And I learned how to use comm view last night so my captures will be better in the future, I really do learn alot from reading all the posts on this site, Thank you all Shirley