Question How can I load the dictionary file from my hard disk?

Discussion in 'Xiaopan Support' started by adrianneow, 19 Jun 2014.

  1. adrianneow

    adrianneow Active Member

    19 Apr 2014
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    I installed Xiaopan into a USB(900MB). It is not even enough space to put a dictionary file inside. My question is:
    1st. Can I load the dictionary file from my hard drive?(Not external hard disk, not another usb, it is internal, in my notebook)
    2nd. Should I split my internal hardrive so I don't need extra pendrive to open xiaopan and it can straight bootable into the xiaopan. I mean split and format part of the hard disk and put xiaopan inside, is that possible? If yes then how? How can I boot my window when I don't want to use xiaopan?
    3rd. I am using XiaoPan, why I clicked Mount Tool and nothing happend? I tried right clicking the screen > System Tools > MountTool > It appears "sda1 sda 2 sda3 sdb1 and sr0, and refresh button, all red color words except for sdb1(Green Color)
    --- Double Post Merged, 29 Jun 2014 ---
    C'mon guys please reply, I have been waiting you guys for months!
    #1 adrianneow, 19 Jun 2014
    Last edited: 29 Jun 2014

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