
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by g00dg0d, 16 Nov 2012.

  1. g00dg0d

    g00dg0d New Member

    14 Nov 2012
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    hello fellow netizens! i'm a web app developer starting to train in security which is a very intriguing area of research. i've got backtrack and am downloading xiaopan, however, i am not too familiar with the tools and my linux skills are mediocre at best. i will be taking classes next semester on operating systems and their development as well as communication across networks and i will be happy to share lectures and notes. I almost always bring my webcam to class and record most of my computer science relevant courses, if anyone is interested in them or has any requests that i can fulfill feel free to pm. also if anyone has any resources regarding linux and web application security please share the wealth of knowledge (i am aware that google is my best friend, but suggestions from other users will save me time sifting through the millions of pages of useless content). i'm also starting to get interested in python development as it seems like a very versatile and powerful scripting language so resources regarding this area of study would also be most appreciated. i have hundreds of web app scripts and clones, tons of arduino and other miscellaneous micro-controller scripts and resources and have experience developing drivers (i have written a driver for a credit card processor for floreant, an open source java point of sales program for restaurants and bars and work a lot with micro-controllers and robotics as a hobby). i'm looking forward to getting to know the community.

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