Please enter the following table: Please edit and fill in the table and let us know the following If submitting a bug or issue report for Xiaopan and if you do not follow the correct format below your support request will be deleted! [xtable=skin2|bcenter|500x@] {tbody} {tr} {td}Description{/td} {td}Varables {/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}Chipset{/td} {td}e.g: RTL8187L{/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}MAC Address{/td} {td}Only first 6 characters XX:XX:XX for vendor identification{/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}Brand{/td} {td}e.g: ALFA, Kasens etc{/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}Adapter Type{/td} {td}e.g: PCI / MiniPCI / PCMCIA / CardBus / Express Card / PCI Express / PCI-X / MiniPCI Express{/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}Xiaopan Version{/td} {td} {/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}Other versions tried{/td} {td}What other Xiaopan versions have you used? Did a particular version work or still have the same issue{/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}Injection Test{/td} {td} {/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}Method of Running{/td} {td}e.g VMware 9 in Windows 7{/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}Problems & Notes{/td} {td} {/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}Steps to Reproduce{/td} {td}If an error happens please, state what you did before you got that error in a series of steps you performed{/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}What have you attempted{/td} {td}What have you tried to get it to work and have you researched the problem and what did you find out?{/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}Is this card compatible{/td} {td}Yes? no? partially?{/td} {/tr} {/tbody} [/xtable] Note that if it is not Xiaopan related but you still have a support request, you do not have to fill in the table above, just submit a general request in the thread. --- Double Post Merged, 23 Jul 2014 --- Como guardar sesion de reaver en XIAOPAN 0.4.2 Hola que tal. quisiera saber como guardar mi sesion de reaver en xiaopan, para poder apagar la pc y continuar en donde me quede. estoy con una red wifi con proteccion wpa2 probando pines con el inflator, pero va muy pero muy lenta, con eso de que me sale el ap rate limiting. para que se den una idea de lo lento que va, me voy a tardar aproximadamente un mes, en poder obtener la key. y seria catastrofico que llevando el 99% se me apague la pc y adios progreso no he encontrado la forma de salvar la sesion, les agradeceria su ayuda