The Demonstration is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY!!! John the Ripper is a fast password cracker that is available for Unix, Windows, DOS, and OpenVMS. John the Ripper can and will detect weak Unix passwords. That was the original purpose of the application from the start where it was very successful. There is no pro versions available for Mac OSX & Linux with 64 Bit and wider range of password support. This can be downloaded here: John the Ripper is available for Mac here Brute Force attacks may have a dictionary of all words or a listing of commonly used passwords. It is basically known as the trial and error method. Brute Force attacks use all possible combinations of legal characters in sequence. This attack is considered to be an infallible approach, but yet very time-consuming. The cracking of a password with this approach could take seconds, minuets, hours, or days. Bottom line it can take a lifetime. YouTube VideoWatch this video on YouTube.
I will also add there is a John the Ripper Pro available if you are interested in that:
i have always had issues with this program i am not sure why it just does not like me i am currently looking for some awsome .dic files and wordlist i had a 80 gig one and lost it >< now i cant find the site again lol
Have tried using Crunch in Backtrack? You can create your own custom wordlist depending on the knowledge you have on specific AP's. (e.g. TimeWarner Cable) in United States uses your phone # as your WPA2 PSK key and always on channel 1. Also they use the same vendor so you can check out the MAC here So if your area code is 818, create a wordlist starting with 818 and the rest random numbers..You will increase your odds and definitely your cracking time. Believe me, I know. so ALWAYS do your homework first. Why use words that you know are not gonna be there or a language other than what is spoken in your area. Also try to use a bit of Social Engineering skills...
no i just got back track and i am brand new to the program i have used it about a week now for what i have had about 3 of practice... ya i have my own dic files about 120 gigs of them id like to get them into a faster file tho i heard about putting it into hash on hack 5 . i was wondering if there is a step by step walk though?