Krackeraki 1.1.4 | openSUSE 12.1 This would work well in a Virtual Machine Environment. Originally named Spastadiva, it focuses primarly on wifi network pentesting and it is optimised to run on computers with low resources. LXDE is the default environment. It is still alpha and many features have not been included yet. Included the sakis3g script to help you connect to the internet via a USB 3G modem, especially useful when in cli. I also included the fern-wifi-cracker which is alternative to gerix-wifi-cracker. I still consider it alpha because it is not intended to be used for everyday. Some details and software included in Krackeraki, version 1.1.4: openSUSE 12.1 based system systemd init system LXDE desktop environment aircrack-ng, cowpatty, pyrit kismet wireshark nmap & zenmap Sakis3g script, for connecting with 3G usb modem even when on cli NetworkManager, cnetworkmanager hostapd, dnsmasq netcfg, bridge-utils fern wifi cracker reaver hydra-gtk ettercap etherape dsniff netsniff-ng darkstat john pdfcrack gcc tcpdump clamav openssh mdk3 rxvt-unicode ntfs-3g, ntfs-progs gparted flash-player, youtube-dl ufw, gui-ufw xfburn tor elinks, weechat transmission-gtk torrent client Midori web browser uget (download manager) Latest nVidia and ATI proprietary drivers virtualbox guest modules compat-wireless drivers The goal is that krackeraki must be able to run on low end machines with as low RAM as 256 and maybe 128 MB. A little higher-end machines that have at least 1 GB may also run Virtualbox and allocate 256 MB of RAM for Krackeraki. Krackeraki is also designed to fit a normal 700 MB CD for those who don’t have a DVD drive. Release Notes Added compat-wireless drivers package and virtualbox guest modules for clipboard support etc. User: linux pass: linux can be used instead of root as well Fern-Wifi-Cracker 1.2 can be run with the fern command while at terminal. In addition, because the developer does not provide the sources for the 1.5 version directly you must update the software manually with its dedicated button. Be sure to always run it as root. Download SuseStudio (Requires an Account)