Suggestion Make the Xiaopan Community Open &

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Forum Changes Box' started by Mr. Penguin, 15 Jan 2013.


To Free or Not to Free?

  1. Leave as is

    0 vote(s)
  2. Make it more open and free

    1 vote(s)
  1. Mr. Penguin

    Mr. Penguin Administrator
    Staff Member VIP Admin

    18 May 2012
    Likes Received:
    I have been thinking about making it easier for people outside our community to gain access to our resources and downloads. I.e. allowing people to download files without the need to signup.

    I am a big fan of free and accessible information... and at the same time develop a friendly community.

    What does everyone think?

    What we could change is:
    • allow visitors to use shoutbox
    • allow unregistered members to see links
    • remove list notices
    I am also trying to get VIPs and above ad free access but it isn't working out. I will be working on it the next few days and fingers crossed I can get it to work.

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