multi boot dvd for dumb dumbs

Discussion in 'Resources' started by vampiricbunny1800, 9 Sep 2013.

  1. vampiricbunny1800

    vampiricbunny1800 Well-Known Member
    Dev Team VIP

    8 Oct 2012
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    i will make this VERY simple
    step 1: get xbootvs1.0beta14 or newer
    step 2: get UltraISO (if you wish to edit other wise skip to step 3 )
    step 3: get the iso's you want (know there main operating system )
    step 4: drag the iso into xboot and then compile the iso
    step 5: if you wish to edit use ultra iso

    (((you need to know the operating system so u know what to tell xboot to use )))
    thats the easy way i found to do this
    however it does not always work and only works with some iso's such as "operator" a knoppix using software does NOT work nor do some of the xia or simple disk such as tiny win or a boot disk

    i am posting this because i have had a few request to make a disk however with the lack of support and or interest in the project i just dont feel its worth putting a lot of time into it.
    every person wants a different copy of my tech disk some with kali some with out and that is about 8 hrs of upload time just per disk for 1 person to use..
    so good luck all there is always the more complex way to do it but thats a simple way to use when lazy your only held back by xboot really

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