So hey guys, a couple of months ago i started to get intrested in Wifi cracking I´ve seen alot of movies about it, which they are using backtrack, aircrak-ng suite, or whatever its called. So today i saw your Reaver Pro post, and I said to my self: Hey why not register and get some help to get started with your wifi skills. So now here i am. A 17 year boy that lives in sweden with dreams of becoming a wifi Cracking/ security expert. So Feel free to help me out and wish me luck! Sincerly, N0iZE
Hello N0iZE, welcome to Xiaopan Forums, I must say that is a mighty introduction. We will be very happy to help you out when needed. We have many people that come here. Mostly for Beini, Xiaopan, iWep Pro or Reaver Pro. But we hope in time that a kick ass community is the main reason why people keep coming back. We also have quite a number of security professionals lurking around here as well. Btw, Reaver Pro sucks, if you want to try something a much better try Reaver Pro Hot Pursuit Edition :dance
Oh tanks fot all the Awesome replys, I've looked around in this forum a bitande it sure is Awesome what i have seen so far --- Double Post Merged, 1 Aug 2012 --- And the reason nog for bad spelling is that im writing om my iPad with swedish autocorecct --- Double Post Merged, 1 Aug 2012 --- Actually, i got my first question for you guys . I´m thinking of buying this card Alfa AWUS036H Adapter med RTL8187L chipset. Since im running win 7 I probably run all the wifi programs in virtualbox. Is it a problem that it ist not plug and play capable with win 7?