Hi everybody Setup: iMac, mountain Lion AWUS036NH with last driver from Ralink (RTUSB D2870- UI-, installed Parallels 7 and virtual box try with B Track 5r3 (BT5R3-GNOME-64.iso) and reaver Pro (reaverpro1204_1.iso) The ralink utility detect a lot of network when i use it, but when i scan/survey inside bTrack or Reaver, nothing. There's any setup i have to do in the Alfa utility? Thank guys Alex
uninstall the driver jou installed on the mac. if you install the alfa drivers on the mac, the linux vm wil see the wifi adapter as a lan connection after uninstalling try this: start you're vm login startx plug in the usb from your alfa. when the popup comes select "connect device to linux" terminal linux run "airmon-ng stop wlan0" run "airmon-ng start wlan0" the it should report monitor mode enabled on mon0 if with "airodump-ng mon0" you get no results reboot you're vm and try again sometimes it doesn't work immediately check wps with "wash -i mon0 -C"
Thanks for your answer, i'm notice for my next antenna! Unfortunatly and *&*#$, i realised my Alfa was a conterfeit. Maybe that was the problem.
If you want Crackerz Wave can help you to verify your card with Alfa, just gave him the Mac address and he can send that info to Alfa