How can we help you if you don't give us any data or description about your problem? you need to be more specific. try this: also see here: and here:RT3070 Working Well with Reaver / Inflator / Xiaopan
Well I thought it might be a common problem with that chipset. Basically I can detect networks by scanning but I can't get any results when I launch or start decryption. Everything goes super slow to the point of basically not working.
I have an USB Ralink RT3070 and work more thar well for me, this chipset has be stated working fine by other users as ImJoJo maybe you need get closer to the ap that you want crack
One is right next door and all in my area can be cracked by Beini that came with my Ralink, which like yours is a USB RT3070. Any more suggestions or info I can supply?
Xiaopan and 0.4.1 have been said to work the best with this card. Are you using it in virtualisation? If so you will need to mount the USB device to your VM.
Actually I have a post here in the forums where I actually tested the RT370...I'm not saying it's no good but when I personally compared it to the rtl8187l I had better results with rtl8187l. With the 3070 I had a very hard time associating, unlike with the 8187 it associated in first attempt.