my wireless card can detected by xiaopan founds no AP after i scan. what's actually happen? help~~
Have you read this? Browse the forum jayson13579 many have found their answers using the search function
ya...i hv Copy compat-wireless-3.2.5-1.tcz and paste to cde\optional folder..... but seem still the same...T.T
im tested with 2nd method...modified the running using VM. ^^ ur RT3070 running perfectly?...erm..may i know which version of xiaopan are u using? ^^
Yes its running fine, I'm using 0.4.4. Try LiveUSB, read this LiveUSB gives you less error compare to vmware. Download again the 0.4.4 version and MD5 Checksum Xiaopan 0.4.4. iso to verify original file and fully downloaded file.
Just unplug & plug your card dude make that should solve your issue Enviado desde mi iPhone via Tapatalk
thks ya....liveUSB works.^^.... nw i can run reaver ady but then im having Failed to Associate with (BSSID)....T.T
Yea, nearly forgotten the "Flinstone method" it always solve this problem. Anyway jayson13579 0.4.4 is compatible with RT3070 on both Vmware and LiveUSB but cracking speed differs on both.
jayson13579 Read this this this and move closer to your target
Use the powerful search jayson13579 to associate&o=date&c[node]=29 yabba dabba doo How does the cracking speed differ estimacamry
Was doing in 2mins running live but in vmware it took me 12mins. One more thing, Fake Auth is always unsuccessful running vmware.
Humm... do as i do, and move from VMware to Parallel's, i find it more compatible, like with the Splitaz version for example. :no Runing live is not the same as runing in VMware/Parallel's/Virtualbox or similar, and it's easy to hunderstand way. Because if you run in Live mode, all the resorces os your machine will be intirely at your live distribuition disposal. As for runing in the VM enviroment, you are SHARING those Damm usefull resorce's with the Host and Guest machine, keep in mind, that if sharing with another O.S. you also have other processes eathing up your CPU's %, and Memory. The benefits of runing in a VM is to use your OS and other aplications at the same time you run other OS. So i hope that now you understand way it's much faster runing im live or installed mode, because it has all resorces dedicated. :me Please rate my comments! Cheer's!
not support usb or not support VM??? (usb wireless card rt3070) --- Double Post Merged, 19 Feb 2013 ---
Nice wallpaper... but maybe it is blinding your eyes... Just let the system to load fully and then plug your card
All thing i try but same result!!! so blind!!! so dont say anything if ur nothing to said something!!!
Have you try LiveUSB? or maybe test it with different vmware version reyman76 Don't get tense up over it. I find Fantasma statement funny rather than insulting Cheers Most important thing are end results, not equally important to have everything the latest or claimed to be the best as my "Signature" says it all
its ok bro..small matter .. sorry bro, my english verry poor --- Double Post Merged, 20 Feb 2013 --- thnkz bro...for info