can somebody help me with this, has try xiaopan 0.4.2 and 0.3.8 and also beini all version this is my wireless card
Do you have a special issue? i think you need be more specific, although you can try Xiaopan 0.4.1 it works for RT3070 chipset
well, i dont have a ralink 2070 card, so i don't know if works, but you can try anyway additionly you can see here:
it is already installed in Beini 1.2.2 - 1.2.4 and 1.2.5 or you can try Xiaopan (i'ts better) see here:
i know that but i need to install it to Beini 1.2.1 because that version come with my ralink 2070 chipset and i have full driver support in that version so i wann try to install reaver and inflator to have full support.
super big difference between Backtrack and Xiaopan, drivers are hard to come by in Tinycore, plus TCL is relatively new.
ok.....i was put reaver and inflator file in Beini 1.2.1/tce.......make iso file......put it in unetbootin to make usb bootable but when restart pc and enter in beini, in bottom of the screen i only have Aterm, Panel, Apps inflator and other. Why?
Try this : and post results.
inflator is the only problem for me now in xiaopan...still can't show the AP's after scan...when scan with minidwep-gtk + reaver are working now...
it is my understanding and correct me if I am wrong (not that i have used minidwep for a while) is that minidwep only scans for WPA/WPA2 networks, not necessarily those that are WPS enabled
yeap...thats works for scanning the available wifi in the area only....those that are WPS enabled still need to be scan with inflator...huhuhu.
hey Mr Penguin, i think i will move on to backtrack but which version is the best and previously i download backtrack 5 and it did not detect my wireless card which is better vmware images or iso
hey Mr Penguin, i have XiaoPan (English) and rtl8187card , after scan cant found aps (found 0 aps!) please help me..
Well your card is in normal (wlan0) mode and not in Monitor mode (mon0) :no estimacamry had the same issue here: EAPOL Start Issues & Timeouts with RTL8187L on Xiaopan It might also be a good idea to upgrade to the [Latest] Xiaopan OS 0.4.3