reaver pro 1 done rest ov the world to go!!!!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by highrollaaka, 22 Feb 2013.

  1. highrollaaka

    highrollaaka Member

    2 Feb 2013
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    Hi have just moved from windows i found out what i have been missing and i am a straight soldjer now experiencing the fruitfull arts www i found termial work rewarding but am trying to experince some new ways like inflator wich i cant get to work plus HoT_PursuiT' which am stuck at pasted folders 123 when i get to chmod 777 error no souch dierectory tryed diffrent termials just wont budge so i download iso which had live usb,reaverpro,unetboot,xiaopan tryed burning them no joy on that frount i am a biginer so lots of reading but not going much further any help tips would be good thanks all !!!!!!!!

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