Please enter the following table: [xtable=skin2|bcenter|500x@] {tbody} {tr} {td}Description{/td} {td}Varables {/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}Chipset{/td} {td}RT2870/3070{/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}MAC Address{/td} {td}Only first 6 characters XX:XX:XX for vendor identification{/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}Brand{/td} {td}ALFA AWUS036NEH{/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}Adapter Type{/td} {td}USB{/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}Xiaopan Version{/td} {td} 4.7.2{/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}Other versions tried{/td} {td}No other versions of xiaopan, but I have tried kali 1.06{/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}Injection Test{/td} {td} {/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}Method of Running{/td} {td}WMware Fusion on Mac OS X 10.9{/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}Problems & Notes{/td} {td} wlan0 shows up, I'm able to place in monitor mode. However, I do not see any AP's when using airodump-ng mon0. The light on the adapter is steading blinking blue. It does work directly in OS X in 10.9.{/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}Steps to Reproduce{/td} {td}Plug in Alfa AWUS036NEH; Tell VMware to connect to Linux. {/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}What have you attempted{/td} {td}I've been researching, but haven't found any solutions.{/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}Is this card compatible{/td} {td}Unsure.{/td} {/tr} {/tbody} [/xtable] Note that if it is not Xiaopan related but you still have a support request, you do not have to fill in the table above, just submit a general request in the thread.