Here you go starting it off (latest driver upped 21st March 2014) :
Hi all, I'm a newbie on Alfa products. Is there a specific techique to change the AWUS036NH MAC address on Mac OS X? The "sudo ifconfig <interface> ether <MAC address>" does not return me any error/message and the MAC address doesn't get changed. I'm using the kext specified by kevsamiga above on Mavericks (which is the same from MediaTek's site). Is there a different kext for AWUS036NH that allows changing the device's MAC address on Mavericks? Changing the MAC address for the same AWUS036NH in Windoze XP works just fine and that's why I'm suspecting it's the Mac OS X kext that's preventing the change whereas Windoze XP driver allows it. Thank you for any advice/pointer.