Hi there, new to this stuff, just got myself the alfa awus036h with 9dBi antenna. Been testing with xiaopan included with the buyer and interestingly this is very easy to do, thanks all the people behind xiaopan. Currently thinkering and googling around to make latest xiaopan detect the card as it seems to be not working from virtualbox, even after replacing the compact wireless from the working xiaopan. Anyway, this is not thread for bugs report..lols..
Welcome aboard creezalird. Interesting to see Xiaopan packaged with hardware. Good to see. Strange that it is not being detected. I do not use VB but I have it installed. I will have a play with my rtl8187L
using the provided cd xiaopan, i made an iso and run it from virtualbox (win7) as if i ran the cdrom as live, my laptop will be heating up a little bit. but if i tried the latest xiaopan, my rtl8187l is not detected, even after reading around and tried replacing the compact wireless, still not working. as of now i am downloading the 0.4.1 with minidwep (latest) modded from FANTASMA. Will try this later.
This is turning into a support thread :ha:. I am going to move it to the support thread and you can reintroduce yourself I just used Virtualbox 4.1.8 r75467 on my Mac to detect my RTL8187L device on Xiaopan (no modifications). It didn't detect it straight away. I had to disconnect and reconnect the USB cable See attached picture. PS you can tag people like FANTASMA using the (at) @ symbol in front. Are you using the Other linux 2.6 option? I must also add that Virtualbox is so buggy, frigging mouse flys everywhere. Should upgrade to the latest.
Mr. Penguin, thanks for the advice, it seems it did the trick and works. but checking in iwconfig, it said the txpower is excessive tries something like that, but maybe not a biggie..thanks again
Mr. Penguin, by a few times connecting and disconnecting the usb cable make the wireless card detected, but somehow it feels a bit laggy and most of the times it found 0 wifi conn...and i tested again with the older version xiaopan, it is working smoothly
If 0.4.1 works for you, should keep it , some users had tried replace the compat-wireless module from Xiaopan 0.4.1 to and rename with the original name in, they say that works. if you want see here: https://xiaopan.co/forums/index.php?threads/alfa-network-awus036h-problem.45/
i read about that thread already and tried that too, but as adviced by Mr. Penguin, connecting and disconnecting the usb cable works, but with txpower problem and some lags. Maybe i will try thinkering around as i have some time..
not with USB live, but i tried with CD live, but it seems my laptop is burning up while running the os, that is why i prefer using vm here.
you can try with different vm software like VMware https://xiaopan.co/forums/index.php?threads/vmware-workstation-8-vm.17/