Issue RTL8188RU not working properly

Discussion in 'Xiaopan Support' started by Андрей Найман, 22 Apr 2014.

  1. Андрей Найман

    22 Apr 2014
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    Card 8188RU not working on xiaopan, wifislax and just in kernel 3.14, and kernel 3.15. Official "backports" doesnt support RTL8188RU.

    Here's a drivers from beini 1.2.3:

    This drivers supports RTL8188RU very good, but its compiled for 2.6 tinycore kernel and very old.

    Maybe someone know Beini developers contacts? Or maybe have beini patch sources? Please help me with finding this driver sourcecode or with decompiling.

    Only this driver working, finding sources of this driver can help many people with RTL8188RU.
  2. kevsamiga

    kevsamiga Well-Known Member

    15 Sep 2013
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    Yes the Beini 1.2.3 driver should or could be used for other distributions ported across, as it appears it's the only one there is available to show client associations to an AP correctly...

    Whereas maybe other drivers are better for actual "use" and not "hacking" ?!?

    i.e. not dropping the connection regularly unlike older drivers.

    It's been 3 years already without a decent 100% working Linux 8188RU driver, which means the card is crap in Linux terms, and I wouldn't hold your breath...

    It's not exactly all sunshine and rainbows running on Windows either.
  3. Андрей Найман

    22 Apr 2014
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    We have 100% working driver in beini(proof me if i wrong), but we dont have sources of this driver, so we cant port this driver to other distrib's with other kernel. Bad situation with drivers - doesnt mean that card is a crap, that means that card isnt so populary, because we have working drivers, and have working chip and plate.

    Maybe you know some guys from beini, who have patched sources?
  4. kevsamiga

    kevsamiga Well-Known Member

    15 Sep 2013
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    I'm not disputing the driver in beini doesn't does, clearly.

    But being shackled with a ball and chain to one distribution alone is not flexible enough...

    I have them all to compare with each other without bias (With an 051NH also on order even though I have no real need or use for it)...

    Bad situation with drivers (or available driver quality) does mean the card is crap since cards/adapters live or die without decent software support and as result decline in popularity - and since Realtek can't be bothered after 3 years assisting the "High power dongle" 8188RU into a packet injection monster, without any realistic workable drivers available to qualify this end, (apart from within Beini which doesn't have driver sources), I'd still classify it as a "dead end" product to all intents for "hacking" purposes under Linux.

    A pointless exercise trying to coax it to work 100% under linux. A damp squib, teats on a boar hog, a turkey. Even the Windows drivers are bugged to a certain extent all told...and the network detection and signal strength+output power is all screwed up under Windows, unless your using the older drivers which "disconnect" at times, and blue screen when playing with the power settings. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

    So if the Win drivers are already broken, this doesn't bode well for Linux which is always "behind" the Windows drivers development somewhat.

    The card "could" or "should" have the potential to be popular, since it has the most output power of all the ALFA's in order to "disassociate" clients, and therefore the most "potential" to be the number 1 card for these de-auth attempts on paper. Which is what you want compared to the others...

    But sadly it is no replacement for the 8187's versatility, or even an NHA's potential under Linux, since it can't even show clients or grab WPA handshakes unless your using Beini 1.2.3/1.2.4.

    It's only use therefore is for WEP hacks, and no idiot still uses that.

    Unfortunately the 036NHR hardware is great, but the software sucks along with reliability issues, and because of that, the hardware is useless without the "software" to make it work properly in the ways that you would need or require, as appertaining to the potential of the "other" adapters.

    And it's been this way for 3 long years, nothing will change, and it's purpose under Linux will all just be forgotten about and fade away in time as a bad experiment...

    Despite the release of a "new and improved" V2.

    And it doesn't even come close to finding the same number of networks the other 3 do.

    The bottom line is, it's crap !

    Because the software doesn't make the cut, so the NHR stays in it's box, and I use something else.
    #4 kevsamiga, 22 Apr 2014
    Last edited: 23 Apr 2014
  5. Андрей Найман

    22 Apr 2014
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    Damn, man! Drivers! It in our hands! Working! Isnt? We just need to get sources! Damn, thats not a big problem.
    In kernel 3.15 RTL8188RU can associate clients natively!
    Progress is here. We just need to search for beini sources and get it to backports authors.
    --- Double Post Merged, 23 Apr 2014 ---
    i mean give*
    #5 Андрей Найман, 23 Apr 2014
    Last edited: 23 Apr 2014

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