So, here it is, my usual backpack for Wifi businesses. I also carry my MacBook Pro in the backpack too! Running BT5 on a partition. MacBook Pro from 2010, Core 2 Duo 2.53Ghz, 8GB of RAM, 500GB of HD.
Wow! This is a real monster backpack. looking at your swiss army knife, i remember i had an equal , but somebody stole me and i miss my swiss knife!
OMG **Drools**. That is one heavy backpack I must say. That would raise suspicions at customs :joy I have the same laptop except mine is the 2.4GHz model. I also have like 5TB of HDDs. I like your multiboot. I have bootcamp and am thinking of having a triple boot win / mac / linux, but it looks quite difficult to setup.
After you get refit the right way (makes me remember optware the right way from dd-wrt LOL) and you start to play around with it it's e peace of cake to triple boot! Customs? Oh!! You mean... 5 hours retained in the airport because of my cute little toys? :joy PS: I usually place on the backpack 2 AWUS036H cards instead of the NH and NHR versions... because you know the drivers suck and the performance is poor.
How come this imageshack thing pops up and I see no images at all? Error Message: (Domain Unregistered. To view, register at: bit.y/imageshack-domain)
What? I can see 3 images on the post correctly... maybe their server hosting the images was offline at the time you tried... does it work now?
YES, i saw nothing except a little frog inside an ice cube (imageshack logo), maybe the bit.y/imageshack-domain has been banned in my country. see my screen capture below:
I can't even open that website they say the bit.y/imageshack-domain. Anyway, I'll post the images on my own CDN soon.
Great photos you have, i can see it now, thanks. I like especially the first pic...Wow... you are a pro! I have many beginner's questions to ask you, hope you don't mind... 1. What device is the big square one at the top left? 2. 15m usb extension, how's the signal receiving strength, good and stable? 3. What is the Turnigy battery charger for? 4. What is SheevaPlug 1.2Ghz? 5. What is Nano-tech 4.0? 6. What is Fonera custom Dual WLAN (Open Wrt)? 7. What is Fonera (Open Wrt)? 8. What is USB Battery PAck 7600 mAh? and 9. What is Alfa R36 for?
Quote from my blog Source and more info:
1. Directional flat panel antenna with 14 dBi. I can point two antennas like this and Alfa AWUS036H cards to each other and I can have a wifi link over 20KM without problems. 2. Same as 1 or 2 meters, since the cable is USB no signal is lost. I also have a water proof plastic box where I place and Alfa AWUS036H connected and attached to the antenna at (1). Usually I use this kit on the outside with the USB 15m cable to the house. It's useful when I'm not at home. 9. The Alfa R36 can be connected to the USB cable and it will create an Wifi AP for my own usage. 4. A linux box powered by ARM with 1.2 Ghz of CPU, 512MB of RAM, and SD card slot for storage. Great for all all kinds of situations... 5. Great batteries to power the Sheevaplug or R36 or whatever I need on the move. Inside a backpack most of the time. 3. Charger for Nano-tech batteries... It can handle 12V (perfect in a car) and charge the batteries. 6. 7. It's a wifi router, great hardware, seriously small and can be used with open source firmware. In my case the first one is modified, I just soldered another SMA cable and connector the it's PCB. This way I can connect it to one antenna and broadcast another network in another. It works fine. But the performance sometimes suck because it's one wifi chip powering two different antennas.
WOW WOW !!! you are really an expert in this industry, what a setup! I rate you ***** 5 stars. Thanks for your informations, I learn a lot today.
It started as an hobby then I got a client and a network to build... after that I got some certifications... then big clients... started a company and here I am... sleeping a lot less than I would like to You're welcome.
NOW I want to check it out ! ( ) even got unbelievable!
Most of what I do isn't advertised on the international website (automatically loaded by IP)... because there's no point. If you need domain names or hosting in Europe we can make a deal on that.