The best Alfa adapter?

Discussion in 'Wireless Networking Cards' started by Komtor, 1 Feb 2015.

  1. Komtor

    Komtor New Member

    1 Feb 2015
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    I am looking for the best alfa wifi adapter, i has to support N standard and to be able to do injections, monitor mode etc.
    Currentlly the best option for me seems to be Alfa awus036NHA.

    Is there any better adapter? I'v saw Alfa awus036NHV but there is not much informations about it comparing to NHA version.

    Any suggestions or advices?
  2. kevsamiga

    kevsamiga Well-Known Member

    15 Sep 2013
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    As you can see I own them all with exception of 036AC and the winner is ALFA 051NH imho...

    All possible bases are covered MIMO 300mbps, 5Ghz mode, injection...

    If you get one now (the v2) they ship with RT3572 instead of 2770F 2T2R v 1T2R of old and a true external dual band antenna.

    I only have the 2770F version.

    The only downside to the 051NH is it's weak/average reception on G mode networks.

    The 036NHA while supporting all 6 wireless modes and highly compatible with linux is weaker in FCC test reports than the TP-Link WN722N (same chip).

    The 051NH is also more stable in connection than 036NHA probably due to MIMO. The drivers for atheros at least on Windows 7 are prone to shut down the adapter at random intervals from hours to days (it's fine on XP), however the NHA has the least CPU load of all the adapters because it has it's own dedicated chip to offload processing so you can use them on dog old machines without any slowdown.

    The 036NHV or 036AC won't even do monitor mode (yet), don't bother.

    And the 036NHR well just breaks and dies an early death. Apart from dying early there are only a handful of drivers that show associations under linux which means you can't de-auth unless your using them that's if your NHR lasts longer than a week to figure that out.
    #2 kevsamiga, 2 Feb 2015
    Last edited: 2 Feb 2015
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  3. undersc0re

    undersc0re Active Member

    17 Jul 2014
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    I picked up one of the awus051nh a long time ago as well, I have been extremely happy with it, works great with kali, and windows7. Its great to test with in kali as well!

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