r1sen updated TinyPaw-Linux with a new update entry: v1.4 - released Read the rest of this update entry...
Hello @r1sen Sorry to come back to you for help again. I'm facing the same issue regarding RTL8187L driver (AWUS036H) as before. My card is still well detected on this version you provided me before (https://bitbucket.org/TinyPaw/tinypaw-linux/downloads/TinyPaw_v1.1.1_4.14.10_hybrid.iso), but not on the last 1.4 iso (hybrid and normal). Airmon-ng is not listing it, neither "iwconfig". Exact same behavior as before. Best regards, Mat
@Mat' Hmmm.... Not sure, I will need more details, can you drop down your terminal within TP and enter the lsusb command? and either list or screenshot the output? Also can you please tell me how you are running TP? VM? HDD? USB? DVD? I am slightly at a loss to this because TP is currently still built off the Tiny Core 4.14.x kernel used the same as before when your device was unsupported.
Here is the screenshot running TinyPaw 1.4 Hybrid "Live" mode, with my AWUS036H (RTL8187) connected on a VMware configuration (simply booting on Iso, no install). If I simply change the Iso to the TinyPaw_v1.1.1_4.14.10_hybrid.iso, all is working fine.
Well before we begin this trouble shooting process, I will need you to install TinyPaw v1.4 and not run as live boot. The only thing that has changed since the version you have successfully supporting your type of wifi card has been some firmware updates and updates to usb handling drivers and wifi connectivity drivers. So this will require reverting to previous versions of the above mentioned, versions of these tools from the install you have comparatively to the newest v1.4 build. Will be easier to walk you through installing previous driver packages over the newest as opposed to generating a bunch of test .iso files. Please let me know when and if you are ready to do so? I do not have an 8187 device so testing myself is not possible.
Ok I will make an install on hdd and run it inside a vm if it is ok. Tell me what I have to do next ?
@Mat' Please download the following files, these are core components that have since been updated since 1.1.1_4.14.10 Kernel is the same in 1.4 but these components were updated and seemingly the only ones I could think may be conflicting with your device now. Installation: 1.) Download all packages from below. 2.) Copy all downloaded packages to your (*/tce/optional/) directory and choose to "overwrite" all existing files. *no changes necessary to your onboot.lst since you will be overwriting existing core packages* 3.) Once all packages have been copied over and rolled back to previous package version reboot your system. 4.) Upon reboot please enter the following into your terminal/cli: lsusb *verify device is listed on usb port* 5.) Then open airmon-ng and see if device is available. https://bitbucket.org/TinyPaw/tinypaw-linux/downloads/wpa_supplicant.tcz https://bitbucket.org/TinyPaw/tinypaw-linux/downloads/wpa_supplicant-dbus.tcz https://bitbucket.org/TinyPaw/tinypaw-linux/downloads/wireless_tools.tcz https://bitbucket.org/TinyPaw/tinypaw-linux/downloads/wifi.tcz https://bitbucket.org/TinyPaw/tinypaw-linux/downloads/usbutils.tcz https://bitbucket.org/TinyPaw/tinypaw-linux/downloads/firmware.tcz
Hello @r1sen Thanks for the explanation. Maybe a dumb question, but I don't see the Installer icon in bottom bar, even when starting in live mode with installer ? Seems to be the exact same mode when starting with or without installer option. On TinyPaw 1.4 either hybrid version or not. Best, Mat
Yes, this is exactly what I'm doing on boot, but the tc-install icon is not here in the wbar when booted
Ok? On your VM are the icons that you see stop before the tc-installer icon from my screenshots? do you see wifite2? zenmap? wireshark?
Here is what I do, and what I get after booting with installer option. Only zenmaproot is in the wbar
@Mat' I simply do not understand your issue? I just downloaded and created VM's both standard and hybrid iso's from sourceforge and bitbucket. I don't use vmware or windows, but I have tested both in qemu/kvm and virtualbox. I can only assume that you need to configure your VM display to resize to VM as I do in qemu/kvm again view screenshots
Do you have a public fileshare? like mega or anything, I need you to send this exact iso you are using? Or verify downloading and using fresh from sourceforge or bitbucket
There is clearly something wrong if we are both using the exact identical iso from the official TinyPaw repos and your's is not loading packages - how much RAM have you allocated?
As I have defined on the official website and forum TinyPaw has only been tested with a minimum baseline of 1024mb of ram, TinyPaw is a RAM booting and running OS, if you have less RAM allocated then required packages will not load upon startup and cause system instabilities.
Hmm, I will try with different resolution to see. I also redownload from this link : https://sourceforge.net/projects/tinypaw-linux/files/TinyPaw_v1.4.iso/download --- Double Post Merged, 20 Oct 2019, Original Post Date: 20 Oct 2019 --- I just tried with the re-downloaded iso + 2048Mb RAM + 1024x768 to 1920x1080 resolutions, but still the same. Icons are still missing. To me, it seems that either I click on the live option or live with installer, the result is the same and seems to boot on live option only each time. A warning appear on boot log anyway, saying this : --- Double Post Merged, 20 Oct 2019 ---
Do you have a different VM hypervisor? virtualbox or anything? Live and Live with installer only difference is installer icon in wbar, no reason other tool icons should be not loading. Can you test for me in another environment? I will install vmware and see, I have only tested and use on both qemu/kvm or virtualbox. Perhaps is something with vmware configuration