Just figured I would share this website to watch movies without downloading which will prevent/avoid legal issues. Maybe you already know of a website but if you don't here it is. www1.zmovie.tv/ I recommend the one I saw last night Wrong Turn 5..not your typical ending..sick and twisted movie!
this website is bs does not work at all i tryed 20 movies all you do is get the run around or "broken" link or told your player is out of date even if you have the newest one anybody confirm it works ? maybe its just me from where i live
It will tell you you have to download all this BS but dont download anything..not a single thing..it will take you through 2 or 3 popups and then you get to see the movie. but thats how they generate funds to keep the website up. Non of the links are broken.
ok i got 1 to work (you should block the little window in the bottom left if you use this website it trys and talk though the whole movie) <fyi for first timers
I used to use (and still do from time to time) a website called SMSFun: http://smsfun.com.au to send free SMS anywhere in the world. Anyway, they have a currency called joobz: http://www.smsfun.com.au/joobz.php which allows you to buy stuff: http://www.smsfun.com.au/joobz_store.php with joobz It was around Christmas time and I had heaps of joobz. One of the offers on the offer wall was 80 joobz for a free trial with QuickFlix So I abused a 30 day free trial with QuickFlix http://www.quickflix.com.au/ to get the joobz and the movies. The DVDs were delivered to my door and I did not have to pay for postage back and there were no late fees. If you do, do the free trial the trial expiry email goes to your junk email folder, so be sure to check that, otherwise they will debit your credit card. I was able to hire 4 movies out at any one time, and had unlimited amount of movies I was able to watch within the 30 days With the Joobz I had, I got my sister a iPhone Stereo Dock for free and am back up to about 350 at the moment. TDK iSlim III Ultra Slim iPod Dock
if i had more internet time id do that i wish there was a way to do it automatically cuz i dig free stuff being a broke *********** myself --- Double Post Merged, 23 Dec 2012 --- http://www.1channel.ch/ http://www.watchfreemovies.ch/ http://www.crackle.com/ http://movie25.com/ http://www.solarmovie.so/ http://www.movie2k.to/Let-Me-In-watch-movie-2319242.html just a few more --- Double Post Merged, 23 Dec 2012 --- http://www.letmewatchthis.me/