Presently sponsored by: Axonius provides an always up-to-date asset inventory, helping IT and security uncover gaps and automate action. Learn more and try it free. I had a bunch of false starts with this one. I don't know if it was just OBS or something else, but we got there after several failed attempts and me resorting to reading Gov Parson's nutty tweets until it all started working. "Nutty" is a bit of a theme this week not just with the Gov, but particularly Thingiverse's extraordinarily poor handling of their data breach. Just watch (or listen), because it's pretty crazy stuff and it's still unfolding now References I hit 4M HIBP subscribers! (sure, it's just a number, but it's a BIG round number!) Kids, devices, social media and parental supervision (tl;dr - use technical parental controls, but there ain't no substitute for a present and engaged parent) I'm not having a good time with the BroadLink RM4 Pro universal remote (...which I bought because I wasn't having a good time with the Rollease Acmeda motorised curtains) Thingiverse: a "how to" of incompetent breach response (that's a link to a long thread I'll keep adding to as things unfold) Join me in hacking Governor Mike Parson's website with F12! (this is too funny to even make up) Continue reading...