Welcoming the Bulgarian Government to Have I Been Pwned

Discussion in 'News Aggregator' started by Troy Hunt, 29 Mar 2022.

  1. Troy Hunt

    Troy Hunt Guest

    Presently sponsored by: Detack. Detect & prevent weak, leaked, shared passwords with EPAS, a patented, privacy compliant solution used in 40 countries. Try it free!

    Data breaches impact us all as individuals, companies and as governments. Over the last 4 years, I've been providing additional access to data breach information in Have I Been Pwned for government agencies responsible for protecting their citizens. The access is totally free and amounts to APIs designed to search and monitor government owned domains and TLDs. Today, I'm very happy to welcome the 30th participant of this service, Bulgaria!

    This is just one of many initiatives I'm pursuing to help those impacted by data breaches and I look forward to welcoming many more national governments in the future.

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