alienware mx18 2 hdds 16 gigs ram 1 sdd 250 gig 1 slave 5400 1tb with dual vid cards navidia 10/100/1000 lan a/g/n wifi a couple other cool tools what do you run?
My pc is so lousy at only 4GB RAM, AMD CPU, 500GB HDD and with a lousy monitor, it is actually a 4 years old++ machine but still hacking friendly :joy
before this new one i had a compaq hammy down it was 1 gb ram with like 500mhz (overclocked) and 60 gig hdd with 5400 rpm >..> oh and wireless b ONLY lol and i still did so more power to ya ......................................freaking compaq
i fix em up wipe them with D.o.D standards and give them away mostly to schools but sometimes u know that one guy who has nothing? why not hook em up ya know ? =) i'm very poor and have no job right now so ppl give me stuff i like to pay it forward so i am usually a rather cool guy
we can talk business anytime i only get a few hrs a week of internet tho but i'm trying to become a active member and help out what do you do for fun? feel free to pm i'm bored XD:sleep