Rejected Where is the Location of my USB Drive?

Discussion in 'Xiaopan Support' started by telsot, 11 Mar 2013.

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  1. telsot

    telsot Member

    5 Jun 2012
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    Hello...I want to save a reaver session by copying the .wpc file to my usb drive. But I can't find the location of the usb drive. Does it have to do with the mount tool? How do I properly mount a usb drive and where can I see it in the file browser? I know it's a newbie question so I hope I'm not wasting your time.. :)
  2. Mr. Penguin

    Mr. Penguin Administrator
    Staff Member VIP Admin

    18 May 2012
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    Trial and error.

    In the left pane you will see the directory tree. Look for the directory called "mnt/" and if it is not already expanded, click on the + sign just left of it. This will show you the drives connected to your computer.

    This question has been asked and it is widely indexed. Please use the search for more information. Locking it because of those reasons and rejecting further support.
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