Which Wireless Card?

Discussion in 'Wireless Networking Cards' started by Roman Schell-Enzel, 29 Oct 2013.

  1. Roman Schell-Enzel

    Roman Schell-Enzel New Member

    18 Oct 2013
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    I am new to this forum and also completely new to the scene of wireless hacking.
    For me it's very interesting to see how unsafe the wireless networks are or not :)
    because I've already been a victim of WiFi hacking but it was not a big deal (a friend of mine hacked my wifi and sent me the login data of my paypal account) ;). He is the reason why I am interested in all this.

    I've got an USB Wifi card ( Fritz Wlan Stick V2 ) but it's useless because I don't even got full signal strength in my own home ;)
    So now I want to spend some many (I've got 60€ = ca.85$) to buy my first good working wireless card.

    Is there anything I have to look out for when I buy a wireless card? Maybe packet injection? and what exactly means packet injection? 2000 mW version or 10000 mW? Omni-directional antenna (one or more directions )? B /G/N networks? 2.4 or 5 GHz dual band?
    I don't want to buy any other stuff than the wireless card (at this moment) like a big antenna for my rooftop (that would be a little bit to much for me) maybe an other antenna for the wireless card if it really helps to increase the signal strength/ find more wifi networks (dBi9 or?).

    Summarized: 60€ = ca.85$ Best wifi card for this price (I think it's enough for a really good one)
    What do I have to look for when I buy a wireless card?
    What could you recommend me? I am receptive to every brand ;)
    #1 Roman Schell-Enzel, 29 Oct 2013
    Last edited: 29 Oct 2013
  2. Brujah

    Brujah Active Member

    1 Nov 2013
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    Hi Roman. If you are in the market for a new Wireless adaptor, here are a few suggestions to consider, along with my recommendation.

    1) If using a VM, Go with USB
    2) If internal is what you want, get something with an interchangeable antenna
    3) Make sure Packet Injection is supported, this is what allows reaver, aircrack, bully, etc. to manually create the packets for transmission
    4) High output, this is either the W/mW or the RSSI
    5) High Gain Antenna, if you get something with a removable antenna, this is not so important
    6) Drivers and Compatibility with your OS

    I personally use 2 different adaptors. 1 for surveying (Rosewill RNX-N100) it is based on 2 Railink chipsets and has a lower range, this provides better location accuracy when wardriving/doing site surveys. For exploits/attacks I use the Signal King 48dbi. This device I have used with Inflator to test an N network in my industrial complex from 3/4's of a mile away. It works. Both devices are extremely cost effective, round 20USD each, and fully compatible with Kali/Backtrack/Ubuntu/Windows 7.

    The only issue I have had with these, you can get massive FCS errors in wash, fixed with the -C option, and the same in bully, fixed with --no-check.

    Hope this helps. If you need more info, I am happy to answer.

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