Unfortunately as we've seen from my post on Hashcat: https://xiaopan.co/forums/threads/hashcat-5-0-0-update.33151/ There were some unfortunate compatibility issues, and unfortunately it would "seem" that wifite will not engage without valid hashcat? Well from the wifite2 github and some squashfs magic here is a very simple bash script to override wifite into engaging in pmkid attack without hashcat. Why? Well there is always the potential for JTR conversion of the capture or offloading the generated .16800 format for OCL-Hashcat on another platform entirely? Ether way. Original github post: https://github.com/derv82/wifite2/issues/173 SourceForge: wifite-hc-patch.tcz BitBucket: wifite-hc-patch.tcz Installation: 1.) Download extension from either above repository. 2.) Copy extension to your (*/tce/optional/) directory. 3.) Open your onboot.lst file located in your (*/tce/) directory and make the following change: -add line item: wifite-hc-patch.tcz *make sure to add one extra empty line(white line) at the bottom of your onboot.lst* 4.) Save the changes to your onboot.lst and close all windows. 5.) Reboot your system and installation is complete for wifite2 pmkid attack without hashcat. Extension is as follows: /usr/ /usr/local/ /usr/local/bin/ /usr/local/bin/ + "hashcat" "hashcat" contains: --- #!/bin/bash /bin/false --- chmod +x ./hashcat Given the wireless device you are testing with and the relative proximity to the target device, if pmkid capture is successful a .16800 capture format will be generated in your (/home/tc/hs/) directory.