This may help a few people who are having issues with windows 8/8.1 and patchguard. It's a small tool that 'patches' patchguard so that unsigned stuff can be ran on the system without patchguard throwing a hissy fit! I haven't tested it as I use windows 7 but by all accounts it works and the full details can be found on the following page as to what it patches and how it works - . The tool in question is called KPP-Destroyer Final patch 4 and it works for vista/7/8 & 8.1 and the link for it is -!vsh2jJ7Z!5at93tUZraYkX2TdYQCh_uGCDUJmZQ7BGlCx9H1_1I0 and is made by how02 with credits to Fyyre. It may be better to test in a VM environment 1st to see whether it'll work as advertised and allows you to use unsigned drivers, the readme has the instructions and seems pretty simple. Hope this helps some of you with windows 8/8.1 driver woes!