wireshark 2.4.6-stable (2.6.0 compiles and still says "development build") for TinyPaw / Xiaopan Current build was recompiled with ssl_libraries, sbc & gnutls 3.6.2 and is packaged as GTK+ only. The "old" builds are version 2.4.6 but without ssl_libraries , sbc & gnutls and is packages in both GTK+ and QT. Due to the size of QT builds (80Mb + ) compared to GTK+ (50Mb + ) and future builds will be planned for GTK+. Current build: SourceForge: wireshark-2.4.6-gtk.tcz wireshark-2.4.6-gtk.tcz.dep BitBucket: wireshark-2.4.6-gtk.tcz wireshark-2.4.6-gtk.tcz.dep Old build: SourceForge: old.wireshark-2.4.6-gtk.tcz old.wireshark-2.4.6-gtk.tcz.dep old.wireshark-2.4.6-qt.tcz old.wireshark-2.4.6-qt.tcz.dep BitBucket: old.wireshark-2.4.6-gtk.tcz old.wireshark-2.4.6-gtk.tcz.dep old.wireshark-2.4.6-qt.tcz old.wireshark-2.4.6-qt.tcz.dep *** " Wireshark is the world’s foremost and widely-used network protocol analyzer. It lets you see what’s happening on your network at a microscopic level and is the de facto (and often de jure) standard across many commercial and non-profit enterprises, government agencies, and educational institutions. Wireshark development thrives thanks to the volunteer contributions of networking experts around the globe and is the continuation of a project started by Gerald Combs in 1998. " Quoted from the Wireshark home website, please consult for more information: https://www.wireshark.org/ Installation: 1.) Download the *.tcz and *.tcz.dep files of your choice from one of the repositories above. 2.) Copy both files to your (*/tce/optional/) directory. 3.) Locate your onboot.lst file located in your (*/tce/) directory. 4.) Open your onboot.lst file and make the following changes: - remove any current line item "wireshark.tcz" listing - add a new line item listing for the extension you downloaded - ie "wireshark-2.4.6-gtk.tcz , etc." - be sure to add one extra empty line "white space" at the bottom of your onboot.lst 5.) Save the changes you've made. 6.) Reboot your system and wireshark will be ready for use.