not until minileaf and Aby$m are able to get it to work with minidwep. It really depends on minileaf but you do not see him around often.
I see.minileaf is very busy.But I have a slitaz.iso with minidwep-gtk-30513 from China. You can have a look and try to get it work on slitaz. You can click"下载“to download.
Thank you. Can you download it for us (if you haven't already), extract the minidwep file and attach it here? thank you. I am not sure of the minidwep dependencies either.
Sorry,I am not able to extract minidwep. I think you can find someone to extract it from "slitaz.iso"
I will do it bossoftheworld. Please use the tagging feature and not quote the entire thread next time please
Ok Found the minidwep goodies in: Code: Select All \ROOTFS.GZ\ROOTFS\\usr\local\bin\ bossoftheworld and Aby$m Folder minidleafwep dic_attack minidwep_essid Splash.png Folder Bin minidwep-gtk
Thank you, for sharing. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks I will attempt to get it to run ASAP. ~Aby$m. --- Double Post Merged, 7 Feb 2013, Original Post Date: 7 Feb 2013 --- Mr. Penguin Just tried running it under Xiaopan-OS SliTaz v2, no luck. Unfortunately, it was not installed as-a .tazpkg, in the China version, so I can't repack it and move it across to another SliTaz Distro as-a .tazpkg. I need a list of dependencies to get it to function. ~Aby$m.
Trying to reverse engineer it somewhat bossoftheworld. I found in the tazpkg there is a files.list I think we have found some of the dependencies Aby$m Code: Select All /home/tux/Desktop/minidwep-gtk.desktop /tmp/wordlist.txt /tmp/minidwep_essid /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ /usr/local/bin/minidwep-gtk /usr/local/bin/minileafdwep/ /usr/local/bin/minileafdwep/Splash.png /usr/local/bin/minileafdwep/dic_attack /usr/local/bin/stop-gtk-server /usr/local/bin/gtk-server /usr/local/etc/gtk-server.cfg /usr/local/lib/libvacall.a /usr/local/lib/libtrampoline.a /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/libcallback.a /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/libavcall.a /usr/bin/zenity /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/sudoedit /usr/share/applications/minidwep-gtk.desktop /usr/share/zenity/zenity.ui /usr/sbin/visudo /bin/bashrc /etc/sudoers /usr/lib/ /usr/bin/stop-gtk-server /usr/bin/gtk-server /usr/bin/minidwep-gtk
Thanks. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ I'll test it myself, and verify your result. ~Aby$m.
Just park it and wait for minileaf. He will reply in this thread in about 6 weeks Slightly off topic but since we are on the subject of dependencies....WiFi Slax Dependencies for Minidwep GTK:
Hi Mr. Penguin in this slitaz version when trying mrmanuelmtz's method about crunch i get when i write crunch 88 123 | ..etc i get an error "cannot find crunch" do you have any fix for this ?and thanks