13GB Wordlist 3 Final

982,963,904 wordlist for WPA / WPA2 cracking 8 - 63 characters

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  1. Mr. Penguin
    The list contains 982,963,904 words exactly no dupes and all optimized for wpa/wpa2. Would also just like to point out that this is not my work, instead it was a guy who compiled a whole load of useful lists, including his own to come up with 2 lists (one is 11gb and one is 2gb)

    Wordlist is compiled from all known & some unknown internet sources such as;

    1. openwall
    2. coasts password collections
    3. Xploitz Master Password Collection(s) vol 1 and vol 2 (official Backtrack 3/4/4R1 wordlist collections, Thanks Xploitz)
    4. ftp sites such as; ftp://ftp.ox.ac.uk/pub/wordlists/ & others
    5. all wordlists on and (as of 07/11/2010)
    6. all usernames from "100 million Facebook usernames and personal details" as leaked onto Torrent sites
    7. all wordlists from the Argon (site now closed)

Recent Reviews

  1. Anonymous
    Version: 3 Final
  2. *xXx*
    Version: 3 Final