Aby$m OS Beta

Kitchen sink pentesting distro using the same Tiny Core Linux as Xiaopan

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  1. Aby$m
    From the Hand of Aby$m….

    Aby$m-OS Beta-
    Change Log:
    Fixed wallpaper issue
    Fixed inherited JTR 1.7.9 bug
    Fixed 0 AP issue with wash
    Fixed minidwep issue
    Added new icons (Thanks to Mr. Penguin)
    Added Openbox
    Added Firefox 19.0.2
    Added Flit
    Replaced pcmanfm (File manager) with, XFE

    Programs installed and running

    Complied by me
    • Aircrack-ng suite with Airolib-ng support
    • Compat-wireless (with help from meknb)
    • compat-wireless-2012-02-28-p with "alx" support (requested by estimacamry)
    • Crunch-3.4
    • Driftnet
    • Fping
    • Hashcat-0.42 (I didn’t compile it, just packaged it as .tcz)
    • Hydra-7.4.2
    • Nmap-6.25
    • Proxychains
    • Pyrit-0.4.0
    • Reaver-1.4
    • Scripts (unveil, airssl, yamas)
    • Sslstrip-0.9
    • Wifite-2.0r85
    There may-be more I’ve been in such a rush to get this to Beta, that I haven’t been keeping good records.

    • Ettercap
    • Feedingbottle3.2.3
    • gigolo
    • Inflator-1.0
    • Macchanger
    • Mdk3
    • Minidweb-gtk-40325
    • Remmina
    • wireshark

    Please respect the adf.ly link and do not strip it or share as a direct download please.

    ISO Size: 196 MB

    Select All
    Note that this is a beta release. It may have features and packages that are not working. Please report issues and state suggestions below. It is the members and you! who can improve this OS.

    Thank you

    ryan hardy, osquan, kookai357 and 8 others like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Mr. Penguin
    Mr. Penguin
    Oh yeah. Gave you 4 stars for the last release as their was some room for improvement. Firefox is setup perfectly. Latest Minidwep 40325 and loving the Openbox GUI
    1. Aby$m
      Uploader's Response
      I'm glad you like it :)
  2. Mr. Penguin
    Mr. Penguin
    Truly is the kitchen sink of all the best pentesting packages available. Looking forward to :) Thanks