Acrylic WiFi Professional 3.0.5770.30583

Packet capture, stumbler, monitor mode, handshake capture, wireshark intergration in Windows!

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  1. Mr. Penguin
    Resolve incidences and verify the good performance of your wireless networks with a unique set of functionalities not available in any other software today.
    • 802.11 Version: Detect WiFi access points and clients type (802.11a/b/g/n/ac) and update obsolete devices that lower your WiFi speed.
    • Supported Speeds: Information on maximum data transmission rate supported by access points and WiFi clients, and a complete list of supported data transmission rates through deep network packet inspection to ensure a fast and efficient data transmission.
    • Packet Retry Rate: Statistics on packets retried by access points and WiFi devices to help identify data transmission and network coverage issues.
    • Device Information: Performance and behavior details on all WiFi devices in range.
    • Inventory: Assign WiFi device names by replacing the MAC field with a description for easier network analysis.
    • Hardware: Acrylic WiFi analyzer software works with any WiFi device thanks to its Windows API, and supports monitor mode to visualize all devices and packages with Airpcap cards and with compatible WiFi hardware.
    • Detailed View: Get device model information and capabilities on device detailed view.
    • WiFi reports: Export WiFi data and create WiFi reports for nearby access points and work with pcap files


    1. WiFi-AP-signal-level-analyzer.png

Recent Reviews

  1. Fiyah Bun
    Fiyah Bun
    Version: 3.0.5770.30583