AndroRAT 2014-01-26

Remote Administration Tool for Android devices

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  1. ImJoJo

    Remote Administration Tool for Android
    AndroRAT is a client/server application developed in Java Android for the client side and in Java/Swing for the Server.

    The name AndroRAT is a mix of Android and RAT (Remote Access Tool).​
    It has been developed in a team of 4 for a university project. It has been realised in one month. The goal of the application is to give the control of the android system remotely and retrieve informations from it.

    All the available functionalities are

    • Get contacts (and all theirs informations)
    • Get call logs
    • Get all messages
    • Location by GPS/Network
    • Monitoring received messages in live
    • Monitoring phone state in live (call received, call sent, call missed..)
    • Take a picture from the camera
    • Stream sound from microphone (or other sources..)
    • Streaming video (for activity based client only)
    • Do a toast
    • Send a text message
    • Give call
    • Open an URL in the default browser
    • Do vibrate the phone
    NOTE: You are welcome to download and try this tool but, for support please contact the developer of AndroRAT.
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