BullyWPS Automation Script + mode (bruteforce checksum 8C: 0C: A3) 2013-10-25

Bully Script for automation of WPS

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  1. cristi_28
    Bully Script for automation of WPS written in bash attack by @ cristi_28
    1 - Tested on Linux Kali , Wifislax 4.6 , Backtrack , Xiaopan , Ubuntu
    2 - Make sure your wireless adapter is connected to start the script
    3 - Any problems with the script freely contact http://lampiweb.com
    4 - To avoid problems, we recommend Bully and macchanger upgrade to the latest version ( option 7 and 8 )
    5 - derived keys are stored in / root / / BullyWPS / Keys
    1) Search with WPS enabled objectives and select target
    2) Choose another target
    3) Obtain WPA with bully
    4) Get WPA router without checksum ( 8c : 0c : a3 )
    5 ) Add commands to bully ( ex : - N -Z , etc. )
    6) 4 digit + xxxx (eg 12340000 )
    7) Install or upgrade bully
    8) Install or update macchanger
    0 ) Exit Menu
    ( n ) no - > Exit without removing
    ( m ) Menu - > Back to main menu
    ENTER -> Unmount and Exit
    ( r ) + ENTER - > Reset to the original mac remove and leave

    [ Captura de pantalla - 251013 - 14:05:36.png
    the latest versions at the end of the post
    the first without the option of putting pin
    with the option of putting pin
    bullyWPS3.sh with 4 options 1 ) Spanish 2 ) Inglés 3 ) Spanish + pinWPS 4) Inglés + pinWPS
    thanks to the aid Coeman76
    update BullyWPS1.4
    1) Inglés
    2 ) Spanish
    3 ) Spanish + Inglés
    All have the option of S / n to put or not to pin
    -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
    Changes: now everything is just automatic copy and paste; D
    Currently only in Spanish
    Changes: has been taken - S command is no longer needed
    Recommendation : Update bully https://github.com/bdpurcell/bully
    Changes: Get WPA router without checksum
    4 digits + xxxx
    change mac
    Reset to the original mac
    BullyWPS 1.8
    integrated the option of upgrading bully
    BullyWPS 1.9
    Changes: option 6 --- add commands to bully ex : - N -Z- v 3, etc.
    Bullywps 2.0
    Changes : saves the keys in the KEYS folder , plus get a message with the path where you keep the keys
    BullyWPS 2.1
    integrated the option to upgrade or install macchanger
    phil925, wh000penator and kimad like this.