RŌNIN-LINUX r1.0-i386

Linux Security Distro for Data Forensics, Pen. Testing, and IR

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  1. Mr. Penguin
    RŌNIN is a linux security distribution (based on Lubuntu) that provides a platform for both training and conducting professional data forensics, penetration testing, and incident response.

    The primary objective of RŌNIN is to provide a fast/light linux desktop along with a curation of security tools and resources that are relevant for professionals, instructors, and students alike.

    ronin gui.png

    In support of this objective, the RŌNIN project is guided by two main goals:

    * Focus on Continual Learning - The project provides a platform for continual learning by providing not only a professional tool-set but also easy access to relevant documentation, resources, and training.

    * Process Driven Approach- The project's tool layout integrates a process driven approach to reflect structured engagements using such standards as PTES.

    *Work Platform - While RŌNIN, can be run as VM, it is pre-loaded with popular desktop applications to provide a viable professional work platform.

    • Large Curation of Security Tools: Data Forensics, Penetration Testing, and IR tools.
    • Process-Driven Menu System: Tool layout based on professional engagement standards.
    • Resource Links: One-click access to Cheat Sheets, Compliance Sites, Videos and more.
    • Update system: Easy to keep security program databases up-to-date.
    • Marketplace: For easy links to books, commercial products, and donation pages for favorite tools.
    • RŌNIN Repository - Regular update of platform and tool-set.
    • "Web-tools" - Inclusion of useful web-sites that provide DFIR & PT related services.
    Oscar Alho and Mohd Naim like this.