Reaver 1.5.2

Reaver with pixie attack

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  1. meknb
    Reaver Usage

    Reaver v1.5.2 WiFi Protected Setup Attack Tool
    Copyright (c) 2011, Tactical Network Solutions, Craig Heffner <[email protected]>
    mod by t6_x <[email protected]> & DataHead & Soxrok2212 & Wiire & kib0rg

    Required Arguments:
    -i, --interface=<wlan> Name of the monitor-mode interface to use
    -b, --bssid=<mac> BSSID of the target AP

    Optional Arguments:
    -m, --mac=<mac> MAC of the host system
    -e, --essid=<ssid> ESSID of the target AP
    -c, --channel=<channel> Set the 802.11 channel for the interface (implies -f)
    -o, --out-file=<file> Send output to a log file [stdout]
    -s, --session=<file> Restore a previous session file
    -C, --exec=<command> Execute the supplied command upon successful pin recovery
    -D, --daemonize Daemonize reaver
    -a, --auto Auto detect the best advanced options for the target AP
    -f, --fixed Disable channel hopping
    -5, --5ghz Use 5GHz 802.11 channels
    -v, --verbose Display non-critical warnings (-vv for more)
    -q, --quiet Only display critical messages
    -K --pixie-dust=<number> [1] Run pixiewps with PKE, PKR, E-Hash1, E-Hash2, E-Nonce and Authkey (Ralink, Broadcom & Realtek)
    -Z, --no-auto-pass Do NOT run reaver to auto retrieve WPA password if pixiewps attack is successful
    -h, --help Show help

    Advanced Options:
    -p, --pin=<wps pin> Use the specified 4 or 8 digit WPS pin
    -d, --delay=<seconds> Set the delay between pin attempts [1]
    -l, --lock-delay=<seconds> Set the time to wait if the AP locks WPS pin attempts [60]
    -g, --max-attempts=<num> Quit after num pin attempts
    -x, --fail-wait=<seconds> Set the time to sleep after 10 unexpected failures [0]
    -r, --recurring-delay=<x:y> Sleep for y seconds every x pin attempts
    -t, --timeout=<seconds> Set the receive timeout period [5]
    -T, --m57-timeout=<seconds> Set the M5/M7 timeout period [0.20]
    -A, --no-associate Do not associate with the AP (association must be done by another application)
    -N, --no-nacks Do not send NACK messages when out of order packets are received
    -S, --dh-small Use small DH keys to improve crack speed
    -L, --ignore-locks Ignore locked state reported by the target AP
    -E, --eap-terminate Terminate each WPS session with an EAP FAIL packet
    -n, --nack Target AP always sends a NACK [Auto]
    -w, --win7 Mimic a Windows 7 registrar [False]
    -X, --exhaustive Set exhaustive mode from the beginning of the session [False]
    -1, --p1-index Set initial array index for the first half of the pin [False]
    -2, --p2-index Set initial array index for the second half of the pin [False]
    -P, --pixiedust-loop Set into PixieLoop mode (doesn't send M4, and loops through to M3) [False]
    -W, --generate-pin Default Pin Generator by devttys0 team [1] Belkin [2] D-Link
    -H, --pixiedust-log Enables logging of sequence completed PixieHashes

    reaver -i wlan0mon -b 00:AA:BB:11:22:33 -vvv -K 1