Here you go. Even though I don't understand your rude attitude.. I assume you are a rather young and unexperienced fellow, correct me if I'm...
working! I had to restart once though..
Is there a way to install an image of Xioapan OS in Parallels in order to change and customize settings? So instead of a Read Only image a...
Thanks for the reply! I have it running in Parallels but I would like to have it mounted in a way that I can change settings. Like the vmware...
Looks great! I don't have access to the page though... Is there a tutorial for making Xiaopan OS into a vmware image? I managed to create a...
Hey guys, I've just recently bought a AWUS036NHR. I know my way around in linux and now it's great to have found this awesome community to get...
It's amazing how small this distro is and a web browser such as chrome or firefox will probably add a lot of weight to such a leightweight distro!...
great stuff... web browser would be nice though!
Hey guys, I just tried out different distros to get the most performance out of my Awus036NHR. Here is what I tried: Backtrack 5 r3 with...