Thank you (y) Hi everyone I want to share a new handshake. Can you try? have a nice day. ESSID:TEKNEK-SERVES BSSID:18-D2-76-9C-31-40 (HUAWEI)
Im shared 2 .cap before, but I guess nobody could find it. I want to share two more handshakes. Can helpful friends be interested in these files?...
this is not Zyxel. ZTE
I guess nobody found it. Can try that too? ESSID: sirin BISSID: A0:E4:CB:15:FA:63 (Zyxel Communications Corporation)
Hi all, I need help with a handshake. I will be happy if helpful friends help to me. have a nice day. ESSID: FENERBAHCE BSSID:...