Yes! Thanks very much,serious and hard work.Next thing will be Xiaopan independent label for pentesting tools,and Wi-Fi tech support.:)
-hope to find new friends,and share the same spirit and joy of world unity
wow,my previous post is erased,but i'm not suprised,your ego is on the way and running.never mind,i belive in you anyway,more like yonger brother.;)
-respect for competition idea,but vip membership price is sead thing.infact,with vip something you celebrate yourself,but still...
-for outdoor antenna connectors points,use small food plastic box and mount on antenna with patent plastic strips. -for variuos potentualy week...
thank You for ebooklab,maybe one day we can perform direct radio-contact :),for Ralink and Realtek switched adress for Ralink and Realtek drivers is: