SpectrumSetup-05: purpleregion675
Not having any luck with this one (SpectrumSetup-05)... Tried netgear-spectrum and running SpectrumSniper now with no luck thus far....
UPDATE: I was able to finally crack "SpectrumSetup-A0" after recapturing the handshake. It appears that the initial capture was corrupted and...
Thank you for the SpectrumSetup-F1 pass (turned out to be a dead connection with no internet :( ). I couldn't get it using any of the publicly...
I've ran two different variations of the netgear-spectrum dicts on this cap and had no luck with it. Perhaps someone can give it a shot? Thanks in...
It should do since I'm using similar hardware myself. I use windows to run the hash but kali should work as well. Make sure you're utilizing your...
Usually this community encourages you to do the majority of the leg work yourself first and if you're unsuccessful, then upload here for eval. If...
Most likely because you've asked for too many of them to be cracked.
have a link to that 555mb one that I can download?
346b464fff5a:d41243cea393:MySpectrumWiFi54-2G:lightbubble655 346b464fff5a:3ca10dbd98c8:MySpectrumWiFi54-2G:lightbubble655
Ok Understood. Thank you! Is there a sub for Fios router caps or are those not doable?
Thanks! I used the latest dict I found and it took 20 minutes to crack on an i7 with gtx 1060 6gb. Seems like you were able to get it in like 2...
Ok. I'll look into hashcat and gather some wordlists. Any guidance you can give would be appreciated. Thanks again for your time.
OMG. Thank you! I need to learn how to do this on my own. Is there a tutorial on the site that I can look at? I am used to pyrit and reaver but...