It isnt my ssid but i saw an ap named "i have dial up" he said it was to deter people from bothering to hack it. Haha
Thank you. Okay, i know how to bridge the AP's but i think im looking for a way to get linux to recognize my router as a wireless interface so i...
Thank you very much. I've successfully flashed dd-wrt onto the router. Do you know if i should select client or client bridge? I just need to be...
Alright so programs like reaver etc haven't been working out so well for me. I used reaver 1.4 and it spit out the pin but no pass or even the...
Needs a book on Linux.
Thank you
Trying to get reaver or wpa_supplicant to work
Hey guys, I just started with Linux etc. I've encountered so many problems thus far. I'm looking to mooch of the knowledge of the community so i...