Download is working now without me changing anything. It must have been an issue with the hosting site.
Hi! First of all: many thanks for your work. I found a network with essid Netgear11 and bssid 10:0D:7F:3B:24:87 and tried a dictionary attack with these lists, but no success. If you want to try, I attach the cap file: cap file
I'm going to attack the AP with reaver to see what comes up. I'm guessing that the password has been changed, but if not it'll make a helpful addition to the wordlist.
I am also leaning towards the password changing from default since it did not match any of the new adjectives and nouns in my unpublished list. Do let us know the result from using Reaver.
I wonder if there is a way to use a blacklist wordlist. E.g bruteforce all possibilities that is not in the wordlists you created.
I ran dictionary attack for 24hrs with noluck,can you give it a try. THankyou for your work.
Setting up a netgear router yesterday I came across politeoctopus034, I notice polite is not on your wordlist.
I just checked and 'polite' is in the latest list (1.03). In a way, I am doing that already. I have a large list of new adjectives and nouns which I test against the captures that does not match our published NETGEARXX wordlist. However, due to the size of files (and the time it takes to run through them), I can only test the combination of new_adjectives+existing_nouns+XXX and existing_adjectives+new_nouns+XXX. What this means is that I will only find a new adjective or a new noun with each run but not both at the same time.
Hey, i have a cap from a Netgear73 i've tried your list but no luck :\ here it is if you want to try it with your unpublished.
I dont know how to start a new thread (?) so I am hoping admin moderater will bump this entry maybe to its own title. However its relevant for this thread but should have its own thread and project? For Netgear Optus routers. So far here we have been looking at Netgear routers retail issue as discussed past posts. However Optus, down under uses special custom Netgear routers, with a bit more security. Lets look at these Optus CG3000-1STAUS routers, which are made by Netgear in China but have been designed in the USA, for Optus. So far we have seen excellent work on the regular retail version database. But what has Netgear been up to? Lets see! Netgear Optus routers use higher security than retail issue. The SSID consists of OPTUSVxxxxxx, where the six x's = a hex number. This hex number is the last six digits of the twelve digit CM Mac number on the case. Trivia so far. WPA passphrase uses similiar techniques to the 1.03 database but read on: Optus Netgear routers consists of four words, a fixed header (which is ITID) then a number. ie this is off my compliance plate: = 5 letter adjective then 5 letter verb then 3 letter word (mine is "the") then 3 letter noun then ITID then Five digit number (mine begins with a zero) total length of my passphrase = 26 spaces. usual = admin/password defaults on plate. Router is Voice/Ethernet/Wireless capable Hope this is of interest. Its for reference. Have had great success using regular 1.03 list on retail Netgear products. This snippet is just to show what Netgear is up to. Garry
Hey, The DL link leads to: I click "Download", another window opens with URL: Yet nothing else happens... It'd be greatly appreciated if someone could please upload the actual dictionary file to an alternative file host?
gearjunkie updated NETGEARXX Wordlist by Gearjunkie with a new update entry: Updated link Read the rest of this update entry...