guys i need help about cracking these please thanks in advance!
SSID : KezWork BSSID: FA:5E:42:E9:B4:29 Country : USA, Florida Languages : English / Spanish Attempts : &
Name of wifi is amar Please help me with this
i upload a handshake file on and it shows its crack the password but it demand money to get the password. can anyone help to get the...
Hi, Guys I need help to crack this handshake, tested a lot of dictionaries and even tried with gpuhash but still no success. If anyone can help,...
Hey , I captured handshake file but it was tough to crack that cap.
Hello, I have captured 2 handshake files but it takes eternity to decrpyt in my potato pc. If anyone can crack this it will be really appreciated.
Hi! please i need help to crack this .cap file. My gpu is too slow even to crack with 8 digits of numbers. Could anyone help me? i'll apreciate a...
It says password not found on gpu hash
Can anyone help get me the password i urgently need it and it was found by gpuhash! [IMG]
I am stuck on this handhsake. I have tried full 8-digit character space. Tried different wordlists including rockyou, 000webhost, darkc0de and a...
Someone please help me in cracking this handshake. I already tried bruteforcing 8 digit character space, dictionary attack using rockyou,...
Hey guys, basic research has cracked this wpa2 handshake in under 15 minutes, I tried word lists and brute force but nothing. All I...
It's the fluxion en generic page I tried to copy it to wifiphisher pages folder then it worked ... but the page looks a bit buggy and the password...
Hi. Can someone help me to crack this WPA Handshake. i already tried some 1GB Dict Files but no luck. Thanks in Advance. Never Mind ..Found Password..
Hi! I have a gpu gtx 1050 ti oc but when I'm start to cracking with hashcat (crunch), it looks like it's never ending. Maybe I do not know to...
Stanev audit wasn't able to fetch the WPA Key. However basic search did. I made a custom wordlist with alphanumeric(up to 8 characters)...