guys i need help about cracking these please thanks in advance!
Hello, I have captured a handshake file but it takes eternity to decrpyt in my potato pc. If anyone can crack this it will be really appreciated....
ESSID.......: Sevilla BSSID.......: 88:ef:16:b5:83:a1 Country: USA/FL Attempts already made:,...
does anyone know the wordlist they use?
ESSID: WirelessNet BSSID: 28:31:52:f5:1b:dc Known Default Mask: 03?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d Country Of Origin: Pakistan Attempts already made: rockyou...
Dears , How are you , i have this cap file im trying to to crack it , i have only cpu on my computer and i can't try bigger word lists . i tried...
I am having trouble cracking this .cap. I have tried rockyou.txt with best64.rule. I have tried many other worldlists too and have not had any...
It says password not found on gpu hash
Someone please help me in cracking this handshake. Gpuhash failed. I tried rockyou, 000webhost, darkc0de and some more dictionaries but found...
Greetings everyone. i was wondering if someone knows or has an idea about gpuhash[dot]me basic search dictionary? i have a handshake of a...
Hey guys, basic research has cracked this wpa2 handshake in under 15 minutes, I tried word lists and brute force but nothing. All I...
edit. scrap that! found the passwd.. hashcat is awesome!
Hi dear community, I would be very grateful if you guys can help me to decrypt this capture :))
Hi! I have a gpu gtx 1050 ti oc but when I'm start to cracking with hashcat (crunch), it looks like it's never ending. Maybe I do not know to...
I have a handshake in my hand I want to crack it please help.
Stanev audit wasn't able to fetch the WPA Key. However basic search did. I made a custom wordlist with alphanumeric(up to 8 characters)...
hi need the password for wpa file for university project. Have an idea it is 8 characters long.
I hate to ask, but I have about run out of options. For a few days now I have tried to get through a WPA password. The problem is while I have a...