Here I wrote a quick perl one-liner that will do the same in a smaller file. CODE Code: Select All my $i = "00000000"; printf("%08d\n", $i++) while ($i < 100000000);
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Why not Generate the Wordlist and feed it direct to Aircrack? with crunch ....... no space needed then is better i mean also easier ..... try this get crunch if you don't have ( apt-get install crunch) then : The standard usage of crunch is as follows; Code: sudo crunch [min length] [max length] [character set] [options] -o filename.txt that will generate Wordlists but what i mean is Simultaneous approach What we will do here is run crunch and aircrack-ng at the same time, sending information to each other. This is done by entering in the following into the terminal. Code: [Crunch command] | [aircrack-ng command] For my example I would type the following; Code: sudo crunch 10 10 -f charset.lst numeric | aircrack-ng -a 2 -b 00:1A:2B:63:83:2F -w - psk.cap Note: In the crunch commands I did not include the -o option because we will not be saving the dictionary, we will be sending it to aircrack-ng. Note 2: When using this method we must specify the BSSID of the AP using the -b command. Now aircrack-ng will begin checking every permutation against the handshake file. Also, this method can be done using pyrit by replacing the aircrack-ng code with that of pyrit.
Can you make one for 0501xxxxxx to 0509999999, 0551xxxxxx to 0559999999 and 0561xxxxxx to 0569999999 ? Thanks
Why don't you just do a mask attack and save yourself a lot of disk space? I could get that in about 1 hour. 05?1?d?d?d?d?d?d?d 1 = 0123456
You mean Hashcat .... ? with masks i guess .. for all its very good tool : It includes the most Masks Means it generates wordlist in background you specify the pattern Like : ?l = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ?u = ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ?d = 0123456789 ?s = «space»!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~ ?a = ?l?u?d?s so a 6 digi pw with only lower case alpha would be ?l?l?l?l?l?l that would be the end of the command BUT IF YOU NEED WORLIST TOOLS TAKE THAT : Its Includes all tools really all .... Covers all i don´t know what to say love it ,,, it ALL in ONE and installs all , or should ... may you have to install cupp by ur one .. :
If I may ask, how did you zip up this file to be so small? Even with my using 7zip with the highest compression setting, the resulting file ended up over twice as big as your 7zip file.